Understanding The Whole Bible In 7 Phases

God is the scriptwriter, the movie director director, and the Star in the person of Jesus. The whole thing is about Him, through Him, and for Him.

Loving Jesus
3 min readOct 13, 2021

1. GENESIS. The beginning of things.

God made everything perfect.

2. GENESIS. The state of things in a sin-filled world; at war with God.

And we ruined it all; Adam + Even brought sin into the world by disobeying God.

3. EXODUS TO DEUTERONOMY. God shows the world the wonders He will do in Christ (Part 1).

God chooses Israel to be His people. Through them and the symbols of covenant, sacrifices, and His laws, He demonstrates how He will save us and reconcile the world to Himself in Jesus.

4. JOSHUA TO MALACHI. We cannot earn salvation, for we are constantly disobedient. Still, God is faithful.

Through Israel, we are shown how utterly incapable we are of obedience and righteousness. Yet God constantly shows mercy.

5. ISAIAH TO MALACHI. God shows the world the wonders He will do in Christ (Part 2).

Through the prophets, God tells the world a series of key world events (such as the rise and fall of great kingdoms) before they happen. And they all lead to the first and the second coming of Jesus Christ and what He will do.

6. MATTHEW TO JOHN. God comes in the person of Jesus. He reconciles us to God.

He lived, suffered God’s wrath, and died in our place so that we are now saved from sin, and we are reconciled with God.

7. ROMANS TO REVELATION. This is what has just happened with Jesus. This is how we should live. And this is what will come unto eternity.

The books of Romans to Revelation explain who Jesus Is, His ministry, How we should respond, and what our Hope is — His return and eternal life with Him.

